Choosing The Right Accent Colors

May 11, 2021
Posted in painting
May 11, 2021 thtadmin

Choosing The Right Accent Colors

Nothing overwhelms people more than realizing that picking paint colors involves choosing from what often seems like millions of options. Things get even more complicated when you later realize that each main color also needs a complimentary accent color.

While most homeowners know what they want for the main color of each room, accent colors often end up as last minute afterthoughts. However, the right accent color will not only add depth to your room, but it can also strengthen the primary color and make it stand out. 

But before you go out and purchase the paint, it’s important to be aware of some common mistakes first-time painters make when choosing accent colors.

Avoid painter’s remorse by remembering these keys to choosing accent colors:

  1. Don’t Commit Too Soon: Colors set the mood of the room, and sometimes, your entire home, so don’t jump on the first color that draws your eye. Consider what tone you want for the room. Do you want a sunny yellow for the kitchen or a cooling blue for the bathroom? How does the accent color compliment the primary color. Does it make it lighter or darker? This color will be with you for several years, so don’t be afraid to hesitate and really think about your accent color before diving all in.
  2. Don’t Forget The Furniture: Do you have artwork you want to hang or a color scheme already happening with your furniture? If you answered yes, then definitely consider this when choosing your accent paint colors. The wrong color may clash with your décor and completely ruin the atmosphere of your room.
  3. Don’t Paint Before Testing: Instead of holding up a paint sample and calling it good, double-check your color by painting a small sample on the wall or trim. By doing this, you can get a good feeling for what the color will look like compared to your other walls. You’ll also be able to see how natural sunlight from your windows will impact the hue and the shadows.
  4. Don’t Forget To Look Up: A popular accent option isn’t actually on a wall at all, it’s your ceiling. Whether you have a unique molding design separating your ceiling from your walls — or a light fixture you want to draw attention to — opting to paint your ceiling might be the perfect way to give your room the extra pop it needs.
  5. Dare To Be Bold: It’s called an accent color for a reason – it’s meant to accent the other colors in the room. Remember this when you are worried a color is too bold and test your color before making a purchase.

For more information about choosing the right accent colors from the professionals at Rudy’s Painting & Repairs, or to receive a free estimate, please contact us here or call us directly at 616.690.9995.